
The 2nd Youcat International Congress was held in Iloilo City last November 7-10, 2019.  Sr. Theresa Knox Gude and Sr. Marilyn Yu, together with the diocesan youth coordinator Fr. Henry Milka and eight 

The theme of the Congress was “ARISE.”  It was based from the gospel passage of Luke 7:11-17, wherein Jesus resuscitated the son of the widow of Naim and told him “Arise.”

During the congress, we reflected on the Church as a grieving mother like the widow of Naim who grieves at the death of his son. Mother Church grieves in many ways such as in the persecuted Christians and in the diverse threatening experiences of calamities and wars.

The second part of our reflection was the youth as the lost son and how this current generation is lost in many ways.  

And the third part of our reflection was how on bringing back the youth to the Church as Jesus gave back the young boy of Naim to his mother.  It includes the challenge on the new evangelization and the young people as the treasure of the Church.

The Congress was animated by beautiful songs, dances and group sharings which made us encounter the other participants especially the youth.  It deepens our understanding of the youth of today and the “Christus Vivit,” wherein most of the reflections were taken.  It continues to challenge us to looked at the youth with love as Jesus did  and help us to journey with the youth with compassion and love and with the help of God’s grace, to bring them back also to our Mother Church and to Jesus himself.

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